61.1 °F

About This Weather Station

Davis Vantage Pro2 / WeeWX / Raspbian 11.1

Welcome to my Weather Site!

This website is automatically updated via FTP (about every 60 seconds) with weather observations from a Davis Vantage Pro 2 personal weather station located in Mitchell, NE. Weather data is received by the Davis Console and WeeWX connects to a Davis WeatherlinkIP module to get archive data and the live website feeds as well as uploading to Weather Underground and PWS Weather. Live data is provided via MQTT on a 3 second loop.
This weather station provides the following readings:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Rainfall
  • Barometric Pressure

Additional Information

  • Station hardware: Davis Vantage Pro2 / Raspberry PI 3 Model B
  • Server uptime: 35 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes
  • WeeWX uptime: 36 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes
  • WeeWX version: 4.8.0
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3b1

Work in progress

  • SPACE - Adding the Space page Apr 2023

Indoor Conditions

Temperature: 69.7 °F / Humidity: 39%